The Characters of "Oddities and the Like":

So- you're wondering about the characters in my comic, are you? Well, read on and learn...and what not.


Age: He's old enough to drive, smoke, and drink, although he's too paranoid of the consequences to do any of those activities.

Keywords that describe him: Highstrung, Paranoid, Schitzophrenic, Guilible

Likes: WD-40, Alternative music, Staring into space....

Dislikes: Being hurt, Nibbles, 80's music

Frollo is the crazy one- he'll freak out at anything and usually does what is demanded of him without any questioning. That's not to say he doesn't find humor in mocking others- he enjoys to do this when the opportunity presents itself. Basically, he's a good guy, if not a little screwed-up in the head.

Comments: I was messing around with Photoshop and I drew Frollo. I asked someone if they'd read a comic with a character that looked like that and they laughed. So I kept him and started the comic.


Age: He won't tell you, but between you and me-he's roughly Frollo's age.

Keywords that describe him: Crafty, Cynical, Coniving, Witty

Likes: 80's music, tormenting Frollo, stealing/jacking things, Money

Dislikes: Stupid people, Car alarms, Not having hands, dealing with his hair

Phoebus is calculating and not afraid to manipulate a situation if it works to his favor. Usually, though, he just makes snide comments and goes on with his life. He's trying to maintain a "mysterious" persona and is failing miserably.

Comments: I created Phoebus spur of the moment in comic 2. I just decided, "Hell- that bald guy isn't enough to pass as a comic", so I threw Phoebus in and gave him random looking hair.

And finally, by popular demand...


Age: In gerbil years, he's old enough to get away with pretty much anything.

Keywords that describe him: Homicidal, Meglomaniac, Manipulative, Spastic

Likes: Things going his way, having Frollo do his bidding, food pellets

Dislikes: Phoebus, Frollo's incompetence, his cage

Nibbles is one evil little gerbil. He's always got a new scheme to fufill his gerbil desires. As it happens, Phoebus can't hear him, but Frollo can. Nibbles, therefore, always relies on Frollo to do his dirty work, often at Frollo's expense.

Comments: Nibbles is cute. People like him. Will you be his friend?


( 2/3 deceased, 1 M.I.A.)

Age: The age of the crew varies, for they are all different ages. Shiver me timbers.

Keywords to describe them: Pirates. Or "Yar" if you want to sound educated.

Likes: Treasure-hunting, Pirate jokes, parrots.

Dislikes: Scurvey.

The Pirate successfully has taken over "Oddities and the Like". ( Please note-they have since been mutilated for their actions)They are obviously quite competent, ( HA! AS IF!) but have yet to find the buried treasure they suspect to be at this comic. ( Note: There was no treasure. They were lead to their deaths. Silly Pirates. Hee hee...)

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